
今時今日,KOL的影響力隨時超越明星,連福布斯(Forbes )也來叨光!最近,福布斯首次推出Top Influencer排行榜,平均每個當紅KOL的Facebook Post可收取$187,000美金!各位打工仔要轉行了嗎?


福布斯今次伙拍網絡分析公司Traackr和Captiv8兩大巨頭合作研究,將Top Influencer排行榜分為12個類別,包括beauty、fashion、food、fitness等,最新發布的排行榜是健身、美容與生活的首十名Influencer,未來將會逐步發布其餘9個類別。


Fitness#1 Kayla Itsines

Fitness排首位的是25歲澳洲女生 Kayla Itsines,她憑sweat with Kayla app於上年度賺到1,700萬美金!



#2 Jennifer Selter


#3 Emily Skye

If there's something you have achieved that you're proud of don't let anyone take it away from you! You have a right to be happy and proud of yourself! If you're not hurting anyone then don't worry about what other people think. There will always be those people who disagree with you and criticize but you can't let them steal your joy away. Be who you want to be and do what you want to do with confidence and don't make decisions based on what others might think. This is your life so live it the way you want to. ?? . I love being fit, strong and healthy and I'm proud of myself. I love sharing my journey, experiences and tips with others! ☺️ People may dislike, mock and criticise but I'll keep doing what I love! . I believe when we have love, consistently work hard and have good intentions we're able to do anything and overcome anything! Never doubt yourself or allow anyone to bring you down! ? . @emilyskyefitness @emilyskyebeauty @emilyskye_fit . .

A post shared by Emily Skye - Health & Fitness (@emilyskyefit) on



Beauty#1 Zoe Sugg

美容類別第一名的是27歲來自英國的Zoe Sugg,擁有一千一百多萬Youtube followers還有自家品牌化妝品,即將推出第三本美容著作。

I wish there was a goldfish emoji for this photo! ??

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Beauty#2 Michelle Phan


Beauty#3 Huda Kattan



 Home#1 Grace Bonny

生活類別排第一位的是Grace Bonny,她的個人網誌Design*Sponge每月有超過百萬人次瀏覽!


 Home#2 Elsie Larson

???? #AColorStoryGlow

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Home#3 Kate Albrecht

研究指出,YouTube訂閱人數超過700萬的Influencer,平均每個Facebook Post就可收取$187,000美金,而Instagram Post則為$150,000美金,對各位打工仔來說,已是天文數字。今次排名只限以英文發佈的KOL,唔知幾時會有亞洲排名呢?


